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Norco College Puente Partnership

 Norco College Puente Program

The Puente Program is a successful statewide counseling, mentoring and writing program for all California community college students. The goal of the Puente program is to increase the number of students who transfer to four-year colleges, earn their bachelor's degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors.

Students, who are accepted, enroll in English 50A the first semester and English 1A the second semester. Both courses are taught by the Puente English instructor. Literary works by Chicano/Latino authors are used to provoke stimulating classroom discussions and to explore the Chicano/Latino experience.

Puente members also receive personal and academic counseling to ensure they are taking the right courses. And, they are paired with a professional mentor from the community.

The program recruits students who are interested in:

  • Chicano/Latino authors and issues;
  • Improving their writing skills by working closely with a supportive English instructor;
  • Transferring to a four-year university, and
  • Improving their academic skills.

Students, who are interested in participating in Puente, must fill out an application and submit an essay. Attendance at a mandatory orientation and retreat are required for acceptance.

For further information, contact Zina Chacon, Puente counselor, at (951) 372-7146 or email [email protected]

and David Payan, Puente Counselor, at (951) 372-7080 or email [email protected]

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