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School Rules and Expectations

The following is a list of topics covered within the Rules & Procedures presentation that every student attended at the beginning of the school year. Click on RULES & PROCEDURES to view the presentation.

Topics covered include:
-School Safety
-Evacuation Procedures
-Progressive Discipline(suspension/expulsion)
-Tardy Policy
-Dress Code
-Item confiscation
-Guidance Counselor Info
-Career Center
-And more....

Drug Dog Visits Periodically throughout the year, CEHS will host drug dogs from InterQuest to ensure school safety for students and staff. The following is a link to a video that explains what students can expect during these visits.

Drug Dog Video Link

Additional Rules

-Vending Machines can only be used during lunch, not during passing periods and not during class time.

-The 10/10 rule means that all students must remain in class during the first ten minutes of class instruction and last ten minutes of class instruction.

-Students must have a hall pass when leaving the classroom.

-During lunches students must remain east of the access road.

-Students are not allowed to enter the 800 and 900 buildings during lunch.

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